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RestoManage is a cloud-based online food ordering and delivery system for restaurant businesses. It offers a centralized platform to efficiently manage pickup and delivery orders. The Restaurants can create customized digital menus with food categories, images, and pricing details. They can use custom banners in the app to display offers, information about special dishes etc. It also allows users to receive automated notifications about new orders and accept/reject order requests as per food availability.

Some features of the RestoManage include,

Digital menu system

A digital menu with customizable images, price, quantity etc. The users can add items in the menu to the cart before making a final purchase

Geo-fencing-based order management

The delivery is supported for those orders which are within a certain geographical radius of the restaurant. This limit can be set by the restaurant.

Customizable banners

The restaurant can add custom banners to display offers, information about special dishes etc.

Discount management

The option to calculate and apply discounts before the final bill is available in the app.

Real-time order tracking

Live tracking of orders is implemented in the app. Data is synchronized along multiple devices while doing this.